How happy are children with their current lives?: Overall

About this data

Children aged 9-17 were asked “How happy are you with these things in your life now?”, and were given a list of items to assess with the response options ‘Very Unhappy’, ‘Unhappy’, ‘Neither happy nor unhappy’, ‘Happy’ or ‘Very Happy’. The list of items was:

  • My friendships
  • My experiences online
  • My personal safety
  • My access to somewhere outside to go to have fun
  • The choice of things to do in my local area
  • Life at school
  • My progress in education
  • My mental health
  • My physical health
  • My family’s health
  • My family life
  • My family’s ability to buy things we need
  • My life overall

In the chart below, the red bars show the proportion of children who said they were unhappy or very unhappy, while the green bars show the proportion of children who said they were happy or very happy. The amber bars show the proportion of children who were neutral – neither happy nor unhappy.

How happy are children overall?

How many aspects of their lives are children unhappy with?